One of Cinderella's favorite treats is the Apple Chicken wrap. See photo. She loves it, and will carry it around for a while before she eats it. It's funny, they are kind of hard for her to eat with her small mouth, so she will drop it at our feet and demand that we tear it apart so it's easier for her.
We ask her what kind of treat she wants, and if we say "Apple" she gets all excited. I think she does equate this favorite treat with the word. We thought it was maybe just the way we were saying it. But, one day I was watching the football playoffs, when her mom asked who was playing. I said Indianapolis and Cindy's head flew around and looked at me.
I said it again and we realized that when I said Indianapolis, she heard Indian-Apple-lis. So now we have to be careful not to get her too excited. Fortunately, football season is over.